What does Desert Botanical Garden’s Children’s Education Department love? Summer Camp at the Garden! From June 2 – 27, campers can spend time in nature exploring the Sonoran Desert. 

Here are five of our top reasons to attend a Garden summer camp:

1. Have fun outside and inside!

There is no reason to be stuck indoors all summer! Camp is designed to create the perfect blend of hands-on and engaging outdoor activities with cool-down time indoors for campers. Trail walks often happen in the morning—and there is plenty of water-play and indoor activity to keep kids comfortable and cool. 

“The kids in summer camp pretty much want to play outside all day,” Garden Senior Director of Education Andrew Cipriano said. “We never stay outside for too long, but whenever we gather our campers to head inside and cool off, they ask if they can play just a little longer!” 

2. Gives children an opportunity to experience STEM programs in action.

There are many opportunities to create fun and engaging STEM experiences at the Garden. One summer camp favorite is our magnificent map-making activity. Kids are able to design their own custom nature walk to share with friends and family. It gives students a voice in planning and leading an outdoor adventure. Give it a try in a park, on your own favorite trail, or even in your neighborhood! 

Get Outside! Map Making Activity 

3. See desert plants up close and meet some desert critters! 

During camp, children get personal guided tours of our trails every day to learn about some of the most fascinating plants to call the Sonoran Desert home. They also get to meet our horticulture and research teams and see some of our amazing growing greenhouses. Guest organizations give campers the chance to get up close and personal with owls, lizards, snakes, scorpions and more in a safe and controlled environment. They also learn what to do if they encounter these creatures in the wild. 

4. Build friendships

When we ask children what they enjoy most about joining us for summer camp, one answer consistently rises to the top: making new friends. Spending an entire week together laughing, playing and exploring nature creates the perfect environment for lasting connections. One camper from last summer shared, “I loved meeting new kids at camp. We had so much in common, and I know we’ll stay in touch!”  

5. Learn about the desert you call home.

Summer camp is a chance for children to learn about and appreciate the Sonoran Desert. One parent said, “My son could not stop talking about the Arizona Game and Fish visit. He told us the background stories, the names of the birds and snake and every detail he could remember. It was very impactful and fitting that the Garden would include native species as part of the camp.” 

Learn more about the Garden’s Summer Camp and register your child here.