Month: April 2022

Why Desert Botanical Garden is Studying Urban Saguaros
During the summer of 2020, the Phoenix metropolitan area recorded its hottest summer ever. Not being able to move, the effects of those record temperatures affected the most vulnerable: plants. There were numerous reports of saguaros losing arms or falling throughout...
Saguaro Census
Desert Botanical garden launched its first-ever project documenting urban saguaros. The Saguaro Census is part of a larger project led by the Garden’s New World Succulents Specialists Dr. Tania Hernandez to better understand the health and adaption of the Valley’s...
Care and Keeping of Saguaros
Do you have a saguaro in your yard? Want to learn how to care for them? Here are some helpful tips to make sure your saguaro survives during hot summers. The saguaro cactus is a desert plant that doesn’t need to be connected to drip irrigation. However, they do...
Five Interesting Facts about Saguaros
Saguaros are some of the most interesting species in the cactus family. Standing tall with arms raised in a perpetual state of hello, saguaros are the tallest cactus in the United States. This iconic cactus has adapted mechanisms to not only survive but thrive in the...
Lilaeopsis Reintroduced into the wild
Desert Botanical Garden works continuously to conserve imperiled native plants that live in the Southwest region. This year, members of the research staff worked with the Nature Conservancy to reintroduce the federally endangered Huachuca water umbel (Lilaeopsis...
Creating Messages in Nature
Have you ever used something other than a pen or pencil to write with? Like a stick or finger to write something in sand? Using nature to write messages can be a fun and environmentally friendly way to connect with others. April is also poetry month so it’s a cool way...
Naturally Dyed Easter Egg Activity
Try this super simple process using food materials that you can source right from your own kitchen. Kids will also love testing out these items to see what color can be unveiled and it’s an earth-friendly way to get in the holiday spirit. The process is simple:...