Andrew Salywon
Herbarium Curator and Research Botanist

- Biochemistry of Seed Oils
- Conservation Biology
- Molecular Ecology
- New Crop Development
- Plant Systematics using both traditional and molecular data
I came to the Desert Botanical Garden after completing my Ph.D. in Plant Biology and conducting postdoctoral research on developing Lesquerella as a new industrial oilseed crop at the United States Department of Agriculture, Arid-Land Agricultural Research Center. My research interests are in conservation, endemic, rare and endangered plants in Arizona and the Sonoran Desert, floristics, new crop development, and systematics using both traditional and molecular data. On-going projects include the Flora of Agua Fria National Monument, evolution and inheritance of hydroxy fatty acids in Lesquerella (Brassicaceae – the mustard family), systematics of native and cultivated Agave (Agaveaceae) in Arizona, Cylindropuntia (Cactaceae –he cactus family) and Mosiera (Myrtaceae – the myrtle family).
Salywon, A.M. and L. R. Landrum. 2014. A new species of Mosiera (Myrtaceae) from the Sierra de Nipe, Cuba. Brittonia. (published online, Feb. 25, 2014.
Hodgson, W.C. and A.M. Salywon. 2013. Two new Agave species (Agavaceae) from central Arizona and their putative domestic origins. Brittonia. 65(1): 5-15.
Salywon, A.M. and W.C. Hodgson. 2012. Coryphantha, (Cactaceae), pp. 682-687 in: Intermountain Flora: Vascular Plants of the Intermountain West, U.S.A. vol. 2, part A, N. H. Holmgren, P. K. Holmgren, J. L. Reveal & collaborators. Bronx: New York Botanical Garden Press.
Salywon, A.M. and W.C. Hodgson. 2012. Echinocactus, (Cactaceae), pp. 665-666 in: Intermountain Flora: Vascular Plants of the Intermountain West, U.S.A. vol. 2, part A, N. H. Holmgren, P. K. Holmgren, J. L. Reveal & collaborators. Bronx: New York Botanical Garden Press.
Hodgson, W.C. and A.M. Salywon. 2012. Ferocactus, (Cactaceae), pp. 666-668 in: Intermountain Flora: Vascular Plants of the Intermountain West, U.S.A. vol. 2, part A, N. H. Holmgren, P. K. Holmgren, J. L. Reveal & collaborators. Bronx: New York Botanical Garden Press.
Hodgson, W.C. and A.M. Salywon. 2012. Mammillaria, (Cactaceae), pp. 688-689 in: Intermountain Flora: Vascular Plants of the Intermountain West, U.S.A. vol. 2, part A, N. H. Holmgren, P. K. Holmgren, J. L. Reveal & collaborators. Bronx: New York Botanical Garden Press.
Pinkava, D. J., Hodgson, W. C. and A. M. Salywon. 2012. Cactaceae, the Cactus Family (family description and generic key), pp. 634-637 in: Intermountain Flora: Vascular Plants of the Intermountain West, U.S.A. vol. 2, part A, N. H. Holmgren, P. K. Holmgren, J. L. Reveal & collaborators. Bronx: New York Botanical Garden Press.
Salywon, A.M. and L. R. Landrum. 2007. Curitiba (Myrtaceae): A new genus from the Planalto of southern Brazil. Brittonia. 59(4):301-307.
Salywon, A.M. and D. A. Dierig. 2006. Isolation and characterization of microsatellite loci in Lesquerella fendleri (Brassicaceae) and cross-species amplification. Molecular Ecology Notes 6: 382-384. Download Paper
Dierig, D. A., A. M. Salywon, P. M. Tomasi, G. H. Dahlquist, and T. A. Isbell. 2006. Variation for seed oil composition of parent and S1 generations in Lesquerella fendleri (Brassicaceae). Industrial Crops and Products. 24: 274-279. Download Paper
Salywon, A.M., D. A. Dierig, J. P. Rebman and D. Jasso de Rodríguez. 2005. Evaluation of new Lesquerella and Physaria (Brassicaceae) oilseed germplasm. American Journal of Botany 92(1): 53-62. Download Paper