Tag: plants

Activity | Plant Potions
Create a magical potion from nature! Fairies and wizards are not the only potion makers. Plants play a vital role in our lives. In fact, many modern-day medicines are derived from plants. Scientists are still learning all of the different ways plants can enhance our...
Celebrating Black History Month | George Washington Carver
The most prominent black scientist of the 20th century George Washington Carver was born in Missouri in 1865. As a child, he spent a lot of time outdoors working in a garden and became fascinated with plants. In the 1880s he attended Iowa State Agricultural College in...
Plant A Tree, Save the Earth
Plants Can Save the World With the climate in slow but steady shift, and temperatures in Phoenix breaking records year after year, many are wondering how residents can adapt to broad scale and adverse changes in our world. While some attempt to prevent, others...