Tag: plants

Celebrating 85 Years of the Garden: Wendy Hodgson, A Desert Botanical Garden Botanist Icon
Photo by Kate Watters How many people can say they have worked for the same institution for 50 years? Wendy Hodgson, Herbarium Curator Emerita and Senior Research Botanist, is that rare individual at Desert Botanical Garden who came to a place for a job and stayed...
Cactus Care Tips from Garden Horticulture Staff
Most cactus are best grown outdoors in filtered sun or on a bright patio while others can tolerate full sun. If the cactus gets too much sun it will sunburn, which results in a yellowing of the skin, progressing to a browning (killing) on the sunniest side. If this...
Unbe-leaf-able Clover Plants
St. Patrick’s Day is approaching, which means you might see shamrock plants at grocery stores or local nurseries. The word shamrock has its origins from the Irish word seamróg, meaning young clover. There are many clover plants belonging to different genera, which...