Garden research is highlighting the importance of native plants for conservation of ecosystems and many types of animals, including pollinators. However, there is a lack of native plant material available for building habitat–from small backyard projects to large...
Milkweeds (Asclepias spp.) are the sole hostplant for monarch butterflies (Danaus plexippus). Monarch caterpillars must consume milkweeds to survive. As monarchs are facing drastic declines, largely tied to loss of plant habitat, the Garden’s pollinator...
The Garden’s love for AZ Garden researchers travel the world to study desert plants and their environments, but their greatest love is for what is right in their backyard. The Garden’s mission focuses on “desert plants of the world with emphasis on the...
Even during the closure, Desert Botanical Garden scientists continued their work to discover, research, and conserve desert plant species. Just in the last few weeks, the Garden has worked with U.S. Forest Service to protect a population of rare agaves that have...