Tag: butterfly

Help the Garden Track Monarchs This Winter
Have you seen monarch butterflies flying around your yard or favorite pollinator habitat? They are back for the winter season and in great numbers this year! Central and southern Arizona has monarchs roughly from October through March — it is too hot in the summer for...
Meet the Butterflies Arriving to Garden This Fall
The fall butterfly exhibit, Majestic Mariposas, opens Sept. 23 and is on display through Nov. 12 from 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily. Learn about some of the Southwestern butterflies you can meet in the exhibit this fall: Monarch butterflies are well known for their...
Methuselah A Digital Exhibit
Methuselah refers to the fourth generation of monarch butterflies that complete a transcontinental journey in an annual migratory cycle. This generation has an extended lifespan that allows the species to survive long enough to complete the migration. As part of an...