October 2021 | Desert Botanical Garden


Month: October 2021

New grant funded to study beneficial milkweed in the southwest

New grant funded to study beneficial milkweed in the southwest

A Bureau of Land Management Cooperative Agreement was granted this year to Plant and Insect Ecology Program Coordinator, and PhD student Natalie Melkonoff and will fund many aspects of the Garden’s Great Milkweed Grow Out initiative. The grant will also, in...
Scholarship awarded to M.S. student Madeline Moran

Scholarship awarded to M.S. student Madeline Moran

Madeline received the Gertrude Claypool Scholarship for the 2021-2022 academic year. This need-based scholarship is open to ASU students who are studying horticulture, botany, conservation, forestry, and other related fields. The scholarship goes towards covering...
Completion of M.S by lab member, Isabella De Leon

Completion of M.S by lab member, Isabella De Leon

  Isabella De Leon successfully defended her thesis in the School of Life Sciences at Arizona State University. Isabella’s thesis focuses on the climate sensitivity of giant saguaro cactus by studying the isotopic composition of spines as a proxy for stress...
Pumpkins & Spiders—a Halloween tradition!

Pumpkins & Spiders—a Halloween tradition!

When you think of pumpkins, you probably think of pumpkin pie or a Jack-o’-Lantern.  Did you know that pumpkins are a type of squash in the gourd family cultivated by indigenous people of the Americas for thousands of years? The plant family includes more than...
Spirit Cocktail

Spirit Cocktail

Though the evenings of trick-or-treating are in the past for most of us, it doesn’t mean we can’t indulge in the Halloween spirit. Try these spooky good cocktails that are sure to get you to embrace the scary season. Recipe courtesy of Gertrude’s...
Haunted Gardens

Haunted Gardens

When you think of haunted sites, the last place that might cross your mind is a serene and quiet botanical garden. But with a storied past like that of Desert Botanical Garden, which opened in 1939, there is bound to be a few spooky tales. In fact, several botanical...
Seed Walk—The beauty of a seed

Seed Walk—The beauty of a seed

Fall in the desert is a perfect time to begin enjoying the outdoors. Many plants begin developing seeds this time of year. Seeds travel across the landscape with the help of animals, wind and water. This ‘free transportation’ allows them to find a suitable location to...
What’s in a name: Hispanic or Latinx?

What’s in a name: Hispanic or Latinx?

Kevina Devereaux, Director of Social Responsibility & Inclusion In September’s Your Garden at Home e-newsletter to celebrate Latinx Heritage Month. Why did the Garden use Latinx and not Hispanic? To provide a brief background, the Garden’s current strategic plan...
Join the October EcoQuest: Gander at Grasses

Join the October EcoQuest: Gander at Grasses

For this EcoQuest, find and map fountain grass (Cenchrus setaceus) and native grass alternatives. Join the EcoQuest See the Grass Guide Download the Fountain Grass Pamphlet en español Fountain grass has long been sold as an ornamental landscape grass and can be found...
5 Tips To Keep Your Indoor Plants Healthy

5 Tips To Keep Your Indoor Plants Healthy

Here are the few tips for caring for houseplants:   Know your light – Most houseplants prefer an east, west or south window. Most houseplants can be placed at a maximum of five feet away from a window, unless you are select a houseplant that can grow in low...
March-April Reservations are strongly recommended for Gertrude's Restaurant