Tag: phoenix summer

Flashlight Nights 2021
Don’t miss the chance to experience Flashlight Nights at the Garden. From hands-on fun, cool treats, farmers market and more this is the must-see event for summer. Whether it’s date night or family night out, this event is not to be missed. Back to...
Too Hot, Even for Monarchs
Lack of rain and hotter weather lead to record low butterfly season The monarch butterfly population is in decline. Due to their magnificent migration, almost all US monarchs are in a few locations during the winter, allowing biologists to count and estimate the...
Saguaros Struggle Through “Nonsoon”
In recent weeks, a large number of saguaros are falling in residential areas throughout metro Phoenix. Why is this happening? The giant cactus or saguaro is one of the most iconic species of the Sonoran Desert. These organisms have ada pted to the environmental...