Desert Botanical Garden works continuously to conserve imperiled native plants that live in the Southwest region. This year, members of the research staff worked with the Nature Conservancy to reintroduce the federally endangered Huachuca water umbel (Lilaeopsis...
Join the March EcoQuest: Wildflower Wonders. Find and map as many wildflowers as possible. Wildflower season is a cherished phenomenon in the Sonoran Desert. Blanketing the desert floor with impressive shapes and colors, these ephemeral wonders have specific...
Plants Can Save the World With the climate in slow but steady shift, and temperatures in Phoenix breaking records year after year, many are wondering how residents can adapt to broad scale and adverse changes in our world. While some attempt to prevent, others...
Join the January EcoQuest: Seize the Cheese Cheeseweed, Malva Parviflora, is a somewhat low-growing forb that can form large, overtaking clumps, sometimes the size of small shrubs. It has been documented in metro Phoenix since the early 1900s. The common name...
For the last few months, Desert Botanical Garden and the Central Arizona Conservation Alliance have asked for your help to find and photograph the plants, animals and insects in your neighborhood, on local trails and around town. In doing so, you are helping the...