In the paper, “Pre-contact Agave Domesticates—Living Legacy Plants in Arizona’s Landscape” published in the Annals of Botany, Garden researchers Wendy Hodgson, Andrew Salywon and volunteer Jane Rosenthal describe six rare domesticated agave species whose clones...
Trekking along the rocky slopes of Tonto National Forest in March, a group of Desert Botanical Garden researchers and biologists from two federal agencies carried heavy-duty spelunking duffel bags filled with precious and spiky cargo. Inside them were 60 federally...
Dr. Luiza Aparecido and Dr. Kevin Hultine were recently awarded a $1million grant along with collaborator Dr. Benjamin Blonder of UC Berkeley. The four-year project titled “Alternative Leaf Water Use Strategies in Hot Environments” will study water use strategies of...
Desert Botanical Garden staff recently completed a conservation project in partnership with the Arizona Department of Transportation that involved saving an endangered cactus. In 2018, ADOT enlisted the help of the Garden to safely remove and return the Arizona...
The plants at Desert Botanical Garden typically bask in balmy weather, but parts of them are endlessly chilling out in Antarctic temperatures. That’s because Garden researchers are collecting genomic samples of plants for preservation efforts as part of a global...
ADVANCE TICKET RESERVATIONS ARE HIGHLY RECOMMENDED FOR MEMBERS AND GENERAL PUBLIC November Community Day Reservations are sold out at 10 a.m. and 4-6:30 p.m.