Sage Society’s goal is to nurture meaningful long-term partnerships between the Garden and our community educators by offering a rewards-based membership program.

how does it work?
The rewards
Teacher AmbAssador Program
Sage Society’s Teacher Ambassador Program is designed to encourage professional development and strengthen the bond between our community’s educators and the Garden. For more information, please email [email protected].
Frequently Asked Questions
What If I've attended a field trip before?
We are pleased to give you a credit for a year of attendance and start you at year 2.
What if someone else books the field trip?
When booking, be sure to include the other teacher’s names and emails on the on-line booking form, that way they will receive the evaluation and can participate accordingly.
When is year 5's reward going to be announced?
Will more rewards be added?
For more information, please contact Program Development Manager, Schools and Teachers, Abbie Smith at [email protected] or 480.941.3515