Kimberlie McCue
Chief Science Officer
- Population ecology and genetics of rare plants
- in situ and ex situ seed bank dynamics
- Invasive species
- Conservation science outreach and education
Albrecht, M. and K.A. McCue. 2009. Changes in demographic processes over long time scales reveal the challenge of restoring an endangered plant. Restoration Ecology. Early View DOI: 10.1111/j.1526-100X.2009.00584.x.
Rimer, R.L. and K.A. McCue. 2005. Restoration of Helenium virginicum Blake, a threatened plant of the Ozark Highlands. Natural Areas Journal. 25:86-90.
McCue, K.A., E. Belt and M. Yurlina. 2001. Propagation protocol for Astragalus bibullatus. Native Plants Journal. Fall:131-132.
McCue, K.A. and T.P. Holtsford. 1998. Seed bank influences on genetic diversity in the rare annual Clarkia springvillensis (Onagraceae). American Journal of Botany. 85:30-36.
McCue, K.A., E.S. Buckler and T.P. Holtsford. 1996. A hierarchical view of genetic structure in the rare annual plant Clarkia springvillensis. Conservation Biology. 10:1425-1434.