Celebrating 85 Years of the Garden: Living Trail Revitalized for the Next Generation
Spotlight: A Midwest native with a penchant for plants and nature, Nancy Swanson has been a Desert Botanical Garden volunteer and donor since 1980.
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Valentine’s Day Gifts for Plant Lovers
Valentine’s Day is around the corner, and the Garden has you covered with unique gifts for the plant lovers you love! If Cupid had a favorite place in Phoenix, it would be the Garden Shop. Come find a plethora of nature-inspired gifts that will make Valentine’s Day...
Spaces of Opportunity Healing Garden
A new healing garden will be added to Spaces of Opportunity, the 19-acre farm in south Phoenix. Spaces of Opportunity — a partnership between Desert Botanical Garden, Tiger Mountain Foundation, Unlimited Potential, Orchard Community Learning Center and Roosevelt...
Honrando la vida y el legado de Martin Luther King, Jr.
Actividad | Tejiendo con la Naturaleza
Los cactus pueden adoptar muchas formas y tamaños. Algunos son pequeños, otros son enormes. Prueba esta divertida actividad artística con niños de todas las edades.