Lab News
Huizingh Desert Research Fellowship Awarded to Lab Member, Madeline Moran
Madeline Moran was recently awarded the Huizingh Desert Research Fellowship. The award provides five years of funded to support her PhD program to study the thermal tolerance of plants exposed to heat stress. Madeline becomes the second student to receive this prestigious award. Congratulations Madeline!
Completion of M.S. by Lab Member, Ivanna Caspeta
Ivanna Caspeta successfully defended her thesis in the School of Life Sciences at Arizona State University. Ivanna’s thesis focused the xylem anatomy of giant cacti, and tested whether allometric scaling equations used characterize the xylem anatomy of trees and shrubs also works for cacti. Congratulations Ivanna!
National Science Foundation Grant Funded
Dr. Luiza Aparecido and Dr. Kevin Hultine were recently awarded a $1million grant along with collaborator Dr. Benjamin Blonder of UC Berkeley. The four-year project titled “Alternative Leaf Water Use Strategies in Hot Environments” will study water use strategies of...
Seed Lab Receives Funding to Propagate Rare Arizona Orchid
The Seed Lab recently received funding to propagate the federally endangered Canelo Hills ladies’ tresses orchid (Spiranthes delitescens), a very rare plant native to southern Arizona. Orchid seeds are unique because they require a specific type of fungus in...
New grant funded to study beneficial milkweed in the southwest
A Bureau of Land Management Cooperative Agreement was granted this year to Plant and Insect Ecology Program Coordinator, and PhD student Natalie Melkonoff and will fund many aspects of the Garden’s Great Milkweed Grow Out initiative. The grant will also, in...
Scholarship awarded to M.S. student Madeline Moran
Madeline received the Gertrude Claypool Scholarship for the 2021-2022 academic year. This need-based scholarship is open to ASU students who are studying horticulture, botany, conservation, forestry, and other related fields. The scholarship goes towards covering...